Short Term : (within 30 days)
- Increase my overall time spent at the gym. Do more sets and reps. Going to shoot for 3 sets 15 reps, of different weight exercises.
- Lose 8-10 pounds in a month Roughly 2 pounds a week.
- Increase my cardio to 45 minutes. As well as how far I go on the machine. For example do the equivalent of a 5k in 30 minutes.
- Clean up my diet, making it as healthy as possible, but not doing any fad diets. Organic and real food.
- Use the free weights at the gym more and the machines less.
- Hike.
Short Term: (within 4 months)
- Visit Montreal with friends for a guys weekend.
- Run the Insane Inflatables 5k and run it in less time than past 5ks.
- Run the Color Me Rad 5k and run it in less time than past 5ks.
- Play as much frisbee golf as I possibly can and improve my game.
- Hike a few trails. looking at doing 5.
Long Term:
- Hike the John Muir Trail when I turn 40. Be at the top on my birthday. Take the 25 day hike with friends.
- Run in as many 5ks as I can and within one year run a 10k.
- Run the Boston Marathon by the time I'm 45.
- Do an Ironman competition.
- Hike the Appalachian Trail, again with a group of friends.
- Once a year take a trip to somewhere for a hike and backpacking with a group of friends.
On Going:
- Constantly improve myself in anyway that I can.
- Look for new challenges.
- Inspire people.
- Write about my progress in this blog. Possibly turning this into a money making venture.
- Have as much fun and enjoy life as much as I possibly can.
Now you may notice that not all those goals are fitness orientated, but hey they are my goals. Your goal can be to reward yourself with a new pair of shoes. Or a new tattoo, whatever will help you get where you're going. What goals do you have?