So basically its your bros or hos that you workout, run, or diet with. According to the research presented in the book simply put, you do better with a support group. Surrounding yourself with a group of like minded people creates a support system, that can prove invaluable. Having people that can back you up and with whom to share knowledge with and be accountable to gives you a better shot at succeeding on your fitness journey.
I know that for myself I feel more inspired to go to the gym and keep on my diet when I have people overseeing me. Not saying I want people to tell me what to do or hold my hand. No, I mean just having people that I can have at my back or share both triumphs and letdowns with. It helps. Also helpful is having individuals that you can turn to for advice when your unsure of what you're doing. I often feel clueless about exercise, so I am fortunate enough to have some friends I can ask about it. Sure, you can look stuff up online, and that can be very helpful. But being able to talk to someone, one on one and get feedback as to if your form is right or if this routine works or what not can be crucial to your success.
Its not just support that helps if you have a Fitness Tribe, it can be a lot of fun to do fun healthy activities together. When I go to the gym, I love having someone to go with. I dont need them to be next to me on the treadmill or even helping with the weights. I find it fun to be able to just say "Hey you see the res and sets I just did with the weights.?" Or even enjoying an achievement they may have had. Going jogging, trail running, biking or any other such activity with somebody else 1) Gives you someone to chat with so you do not get bored. 2) It gives you someone to compete against and gage your skills. In short it makes exercising fun.
Im going to take the advice found in the book and try to put together a Fitness Tribe of my own. I have had success in the past when I have friends on the journey from Fatman to Batman with me before and I can definitely use some more. Whats your Tribe like?