Its been over a week since I have returned from my Montreal trip. I apologize for taking so long for writing about it. I just felt as if I needed to absorb the experience before I attempted to share it. My time in Montreal was a great eye opening experience, that taught me so much. I had a blast. I have never left the country before so this was a bit of an adventure for me. I went with my friends Brad and Rob. The chuckle heads in the pic below.
This was moments after we crossed the border. We decided to play with an air gun. Yes, we are children. lol. Our first night there was nothing special honestly. Well thats not true, we hit this great little restaurant called The Universal. It was a nice little place, with some truly good food. The service at this little gem was what made it amazing. Our awesome host Raphael took a liking to us because we were from New York and apparently very cool, and because I had a Bat Symbol shaved into the back of my head. Our dinner was entertaining.....well to me. Rob ordered what I told him was french fries with different sauces. The waitress gave him a strange look when he ordered all the flavors. Turns out what I convinced was the french word for sauce was actually the word for mussels. She looked at him like he had four heads as if she brought thatm he would have probably two tables worth of foo. It was good laugh at his expense. (Sorry Bud, my bad) After our first dinner we rode around on some bikes that you can rent. Let me tell ya, I have never had so much fun as riding around a city in the late of the night with my friends. It was exhilarating flying down the hills. Going back up those same hill made me want to die, but I made it.
I woke up before the others the next day and headed out to see a little bit of Montreal solo. Its a bit breathtaking to see a city come to life in the morning. People slowly shuffle outside still half asleep and head out for their day. The people watcher in me enjoyed a good 45 minutes of doing so before I met up up with the guys. We jumped on bikes and grabbed breakfast, while we planned out our day. I dont want to bore you with every minute of our day so let me just say that this place is amazing. The Biodome and Planetarium were a blast. The show we caught at the Planetarium was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. And the architecture and art in the Basilica of Notre Dame were absolutely breathtaking. After another visit to The Universal for dinner and visiting a bar called St Bock we retired around 3am.
Friday. The day of our run. Also the last day of our visit. It was a little bittersweet. We got to St Helens Isle around noon and began our run. As far as runs I have done it was the most scenic one I have ever seen. We ran finding the course as we went, lol. It was a lot harder for me than other runs I had done. My time was 48 minutes, which I'm actually ok with that. Between having to use a phone to find the course and carrying a backpack I think I did well. When I make a return trip here I will definitely be going back here. I kinda want to just jog around and explore the beautiful grounds of the island.
I was sad to leave the next morning. After dealing with the fact that someone broke into the car and stole all of Brads things and one of Robs bags, we left. I was lucky and put my bag in the trunk where it remained unmolested. Our ride home was quiet as the guys were bummed about getting robbed. I to was quiet as I was thinking about a couple of things I had learned while there.
Would I go again ? OMG Yes. Its an amazing place. In fact I want to go again but this time go solo. Its difficult to try to see all the things you want when you have two other people to consider. At the time I didn't feel confident in my ability to not get lost in a someplace I didn't know well. So I chose to go along with the group decision. I still had fun, and wasn't pressured at all to stay. I was just to afraid to go it alone. But next time I'm going to explore, this is the kind of city you can lose yourself in and not mind it at all. The people we so amazingly nice and friendly. (Except of course for the thief.) It was great to be away from the crazy tourists, and just enjoy myself with my friends.
Thank you to everyone whom made this possible. You have absolutely no idea how much it meant to me that you all had my back. Thank you to every one whom donated and who supported me with their belief in me. I have come away from this trip with the knowledge that I can do whatever I put my mind to. But more importantly just how dear the ones you love are to your life. You guys are awesome and I love and appreciate you all. Thank you for you belief in me. It keeps me running.